Introduction to Philosophy textbook

March 11, 2009


My philosophy professor from college, Dr. Steven B. Cowan, has a new book coming out with James Spiegl of Taylor U.  It is a christian intro to philosophy textbook entitled The Love of Wisdom. If the content in the book is anything like Dr. Cowan’s lectures, then I am sure that it will be a very helpful and engaging work.

Barack Obama & Rick Warren

December 18, 2008

artobamawarrengiFor those of you who have not yet heard, Barack Obama has chosen Evangelical(!) pastor Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the Presidential inauguration in January. I must admit that I respect this move by Obama. Whatever his motivations may be, he is taking a lot of heat from liberals and this is an intentional move (the way I see it) to work with people that on issues such as abortion and homosexuality often disagree with him. Let us hope this spirit of collegiality persists. See this article on the CNN site.

Areopagus Journal

August 3, 2008

Areopagus Journal is published bimonthly by the Apologetics Resource Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to equipping Christians with a culturally relevant apologetic, enabling them to have a deeper level of personal faith, contend for that faith, and to enter arenas of resistance and reclaim ground lost to skepticism, secularism, and other alien philosophies. A one-year, bi-monthly subscription to Areopagus Journal is $30 (Canadian $35). All contributions to the Apologetics Resource Center are tax deductible.

This is a great apologetic resource, especially for Bible college/seminary students and educated lay people! Pictured above is the March-April 2008 issue, titled “Miracles.” In addition to books reviews, this issue contains the following contributions:
“Veritas: Miracles” by Craig Branch
“Discerning the Voice of God: The Apologetic Function of Miracles” by Steven B. Cowan, PhD
“Miracles and Their Omniscient Critics” by Winfried Corduan, PhD
“Point/Counterpoint: Do Miraculous Gifts Exist Today?” by Samuel E. Waldron, PhD and C. Samuel Storms, PhD
“Against Heresies: Liberation Theology the ‘Wright’ Way” by Clete Hux, MDiv

Review of _Why Good Arguments often Fail_ by James Sire

May 21, 2008

This is not a book of arguments per se; that is, it does not outline several recommended arguments for, say, the existence of God. In it, rather, professor James Sire, author of numerous books, including The Universe Next Door, Scripture Twisting, and How To Read Slowly, insightfully yet accessibly discusses “the pitfalls facing Christians who wish not merely to assert the truth of the Christian faith but to do so with the greatest likelihood of success” (p. 15). Read the rest of this entry »

Short book note: _Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective_

April 10, 2008

Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective.
Ed. by Fred Sanders and Klaus Issler. Baker, 2007; 244 pages.

Fred Sanders and Klaus Issler have compiled six outstanding essays in Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective. The book begins with a well-written introduction to Christology (by Sanders), which focuses on the orthodoxy established in the early creeds, especially Chalcedon. “Each of the remaining chapters in this book approaches the task of doing Christology in a way that is informed by trinitarian thought and Chalcedonian categories” (p. 36).

Chapter two focuses more explicitly on the Trinity, specifically Jesus’ place within it. Arguing for an “eternally ordered social model” for understanding the Trinity, this chapter emphasizes the equality of the divine nature, while affirming a “distinction of roles within the immanent Godhead” (p. 76). The next two chapters discuss the person of Christ. The first is a fine exploration of the fifth-century Christological controversy, commending Cyril of Alexandria as the most important contributor to the debate. Given the general ineptitude among Evangelicals regarding historical theology, this is a welcome essay. The next chapter is a rigorous philosophical investigation into the Incarnation. In dialogue with Medieval philosophical theology, a “contemporary monothelite” model is offered.
The latter half of the book addresses the work of Christ, beginning with a chapter on Christ’s atonement “as a work of the Trinity,” arguing that “without the Trinity there could be no atonement and hence no salvation” (p. 156). The sixth and final chapter (by Issler), discusses Jesus’ genuine example for “how to live the Christian life beyond the limitations of an average human life” (p. 189). For example, “Jesus walked by the Spirit, and so it is possible for us to do so as we yield in dependence on God” (p. 214).
Though the contributors do not shy away from precise (and sometimes technical) language, they are careful to thoroughly explain themselves. Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective is geared for advanced undergraduates or beginning seminary students, but can certainly be read with great benefit by any determined reader.

NDPR Review of Merricks’s _Truth and Ontology_

February 22, 2008

Read the review here.

HT: Prosblogion.

Review of _Putting Jesus in His Place_

January 11, 2008

Putting Jesus in His Place: the Case for the Deity of Christ.
By Robert Bowman, Jr. and J. Ed Komoszewski. Kregel, 2007: 392 pages.

“But who do you say that I am” (Matt. 16:15)? Arguably the most important question one must face, Jesus forces his hearers to contemplate his divine identity. That Jesus is “begotten of the Father as only begotten, that is, from the essence of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God” (Nicene Creed) is absolutely central to the Christian faith. It is, however, a widely rejected belief. For example, John Dominic Crossan, former co-chair of the infamous Jesus Seminar, defines references to Jesus as the “Lamb of God” as “symbolic…figurative…metaphorical.” Similar denials may be found in John Hick’s The Myth of God Incarnate.
In response, Robert Bowman Jr., manager of Apologetics and Interfaith Evangelism for the North American Mission Board, and J. Ed Komoszewski, founder of Christus Nexus and Director of Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, have written the clearest, most comprehensive and convincing case for the deity of Christ available. Though concerned to demonstrate Christ’s divinity from the New Testament, the authors are equally concerned to equip their readers to remember the material. They thus employ their innovative HANDS acronym (as they say, Jesus shares the HANDS of God), organizing the biblical teachings into five corresponding categories. Read the rest of this entry »

Great Deal on Philosophia Christi

December 26, 2007

Philosophia Christi, the bi-annual publication of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, is currently offering an incredible deal on subscriptions: first-time subscribers can receive the current issue as well astwo additional years (i.e., 4 more issues) for merely $30! This is a savings of $50. You can check out the back issues here. I’m not sure how long this offer will be available, so take advantage while you can.

Groothuis’s review of Flew’s book in Denver Post

December 23, 2007

Professor Doug Groothuis’s review of Anthony Flew’s new book, There is a God, is available online here.

Review of An Emergent Theology for Emerging Churches

December 6, 2007

An Emergent Theology for Emerging Churches.
By Ray S. Anderson. InterVarsity Press, 2006; 236 pages.

In the past ten to fifteen years a grassroots ecclesiological movement known as the Emerging Church has been gaining momentum in Evangelicalism. The advent of publications by Brian McLaren, Rob Bell and others has helped to cement an identity for this position at the popular level. However, more traditional evangelicals, especially those of mainline denominations, have criticized the movement for its lacking theological foundation. In an Emergent Theology for Emerging Churches, Ray S. Anderson attempts to construct a theology that can serve as a starting point for the movement and as a reply to those skeptical of its Biblical basis. Read the rest of this entry »